Sunday, December 27, 2009

How to get a cheap student car insurance quote?

There are many insurance companies that offer a wide variety of plans that you can choose from, you as a student cant afford to pay high prices for an insurance but by law you need to have at least liability insurance, if you can afford comprehensive is much better.

However for young people under 25 insurance costs are high due to several risks that insurance companies factor, but you can significantly reduce your costs and have a good quote by doing a few things:

if you have good school grades you may qualify for a discount

if you drive safely and careful you can also have a discount

if you enroll in a drivers education class too

if you set your deductibles high you will get cheaper insurance

ask your insurance company for any additional student discounts that you may qualify.

Another factor that can help to reduce costs is to check for insurance costs of a car before buying it, some models of cars have higher insurance costs.

have a good credit rating

Those are a few tips to keep your quotes at low prices, but every particular case is different, your age, sex, where you live, how long you have been driving all those are factors that the insurance companies check to dedice the cost.

compare different student car insurance quotes, you may find some good options also ask for student discounts. There are insurances for under $100 a month.

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